73,000 MMBtu Dairy Digester-to-RNG Facility


Venture serves as Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) Contractor to Design, build, and construct a  Dairy Digester-to-RNG Facility located in Arizona. This dairy farm milks approximately 9,000 cows. Once complete, the facility is expected to annually reduce 33,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions, while generating over 73,000 MMBtu of RNG every year.

We are well into the construction of the green-field 300 scfm anaerobic digester to RNG facility. The digester will receive manure from one farm. The biogas that comes from the manure will be processed at a single Digester to RNG facility, where the gas will then be injected into the nearby interstate natural gas pipeline.

About Venture Engineering & Construction, Inc.
Venture Engineering & Construction, Inc. is a privately owned engineering and construction firm headquartered in Warrendale, PA (Pittsburgh). Venture is multi-disciplinary engineering and construction company and one of the nation’s premier process engineering solutions firms. Venture provides high-value consultancy, engineering, and construction services to the world’s energy, power, and process industries. Venture is a leader in alternative energy solutions such as landfill gas (LFG) to energy plants, manure to RNG, food waste to RNG, cogeneration facilities, and waste-to-energy plants.