Biogas Conditioning System & Service

As waste in a landfill or anaerobic digester decomposes, it produces a gas consisting primarily of methane and carbon dioxide. This methane is considered to be a potent greenhouse gas. In the past, this methane gas was simply collected and burned in a flare stack for odor control and to prevent underground migration. Now, many landfills are using this methane gas to generate electricity or to produce high BTU (pipeline quality) gas. There are three things accomplished using a landfill to gas recovery process:

  • Methane emissions are significantly reduced
  • This gas provides a renewable energy source
  • This gas can generally be sold at a premium under various incentive programs

By working as consultants with biogas facility owners and operators, Venture identified the need to prevent Siloxanes and other non-methane organic compounds (NMOCs) from entering, and fouling, downstream equipment such as engines or turbines. Venture became pioneers in the market by introducing the Venture Gas Conditioning System. Currently, we have over 45 systems in operation throughout North America, ranging in size from flow rates as low as 500 scfm to as high as 11,500 scfm. For RNG applications where more stringent pipeline injection standards are being imposed and are now including siloxanes and other NMOCs, our system will ensure that you will not be shut out of the pipeline.

    Why use our Gas Conditioning System?

    • Market leader in the treatment of siloxanes and NMOCs in landfill gas and biogas
    • Venture offers both passive and regenerative solutions
    • We can also provide a closed loop system
    • Proven media life is greater than 12 months at all of Venture’s installations
    • Unique multi-media layered application that is selected and designed to the conditions and characteristics of your gas stream to promote effective adsorption and increased media life
    • Our system removes siloxanes, NMOCs, H2S and water, resulting in a cleaner biogas product
    • Save time and money through decreased downtime between overhauls and oil changes
    • Will protect downstream CO and SCR catalysts from fouling.
    • Venture provides design, fabrication, commissioning and post-sale support with a robust team of engineers and professional support staff
    • Ongoing service packages for all systems sold, including spare parts, media sales, and inventory management

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